Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cycle 2 Starters Winner!

Welcome models. Although this is only the Starters Division, it is important. This was a very basic half of Cycle 2 that allowed the younger, inexperienced models a small taste of what an actual competition would be like. I would like all girls in EliteModele to know, that I have decided that the Starters Division will be discontinued in Cycle 3. It was nice while it lasted, but...life goes on. I made sure to be extra tough on them, so when they did get into the complex modeling world, they wouldn't be shocked at the rejection. Yes, I do admit I am not fully satisfied with their work, I do believe they could of done better. 13 girls didn't try hard enough, and they got eliminated. 2 girls are left, sitting neck and neck at the end of this competition, wondering who wins the title. Models, we have a winner.

Lets start out talking about each of the girls, and what I have observed:

Nikki: You were the girl who always went the extra mile, sometimes it payed off, and other times, not so much. The sweet girl who quietly got pass all eliminations and is sitting here.

Madison: The girl who worked hard, chasing her dream after being eliminated near the finish in Cycle 3. The strong girl who got past eliminations and is sitting here.

The winner of EliteModele, Cycle 2 Starters Division is....


Congratulations Madison! You won! Superstar prizes will be waiting for you in your suite!

Wonderful work Nikki! You have done a fantastic job, and I wish you good luck.

I would like to thank: Madison, Nikki, Peyton, Lucy, Mary, Katie, Caroline, Madi, Kesse, and Alli

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