Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cycle 3 Elimination Panel: Seven Deadly Sins

Welcome models. I guess now is the appropriate time that I love, when we filter out the "undedicated" girls from the Cycle. Everyone turned in this week on time! Let's keep that up.

The weekly challenge winner is:

Alicia. Congratulations you are still in Cycle 3.

The earlier your name is called, the better you did! Next up,

Novalyn. Congratulations you are still in Cycle 3.

Tasha. Congratulations you are still in Cycle 3.

Abbigail. Congratulations you are still in Cycle 3.

Tessa. Congratulations you are still in Cycle 3.

The girls in the bottom two are: Lauren and Amber.

Lauren. Congratulations you are still in Cycle 3.

Goodbye Amber, your scenery just didn't cut it. Keep practicing, and do research before completing a task.


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